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Classical Guitarist


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Guitar by Masters

Lessons from "El Libro de oro": Vol. 2

Here is the second volume of lessons selected from Agustín Barrios's El Libro de Oro, showcasing a valuable collaboration between Guitar by Masters, Les Productions d'OZ, and Guitar Salon International (GSI). El Libro de Oro is the title of a valuable series published by Les Productions d'OZ, compiling Barrios's complete works, including his various teaching materials. Remarkable Norwegian guitarist Sondre Høymer has performed lessons 15 to 19 from this collection (originally recorded for GSI) and added his comments and instructions, creating comprehensive and highly practical tutorials.

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Sondre Høymer er en norsk klassisk gitarist. Han har sin utdannelse fra Norges musikkhøgskole og Akademia Muzyczna w Katowicach ved Prof. Marcin Dylla. Graham Anthony Devine skriver om Sondre '' was wonderful to hear you play with such compelling musical vision, beautiful sound and domination of your instrument. (...) easely amongst the very best players of the younger generation I have heard recently, and I have heard and worked with a lot.''


Sondre har gjort seg bemerket i flere store internasjonale konkurranser, senest som finalist i Guitar Masters 2016 i Wroclaw og semifinalist i GFA International Concert Artist Competition både i 2017 og 2018, hvor han også ble inkludert i five top performances of the day av Paris Guitar Foundation (innledende runde 2017). Han tok også 2. pris i Sierra Nevada International Guitar Competiton i 2014.


Høsten 2017 gjorde Sondre sin offisielle debut i Universitetets Aula i Oslo, kanskje den mest prestisjetunge arenaen for klassisk musikk i Norge. Et halvt år senere var han solist med verket Concierto de Aranjuez med dirigent Eivind Aadland, en av Norges mest respekterte dirigenter. Januar 2018 kom albumet Neuralgia, med Vea/Høymer Guitar Duo, hvor Sondre spiller terz-gitar. Memoirs Classical Guitar Magazine skriver: ''This young guitar duo is offering a truly passionate and brilliand recording for the music, and the classical guitar world (...) every pluck and legato create the sense of a musical dream.''


Som internasjonal artist gjør Sondre regelmessig konserter i land som blant annet Spania, USA, Finland og Norge. Han ble også som første gitarist tilbudt plass på diplomstudiet i utøving på Norges Musikkhøgskole.

''Sondre has a strong determination to increase his knowledge and understanding of interpretation complexety. His way of playing could be described as very elegant, smooth and colorful’’ Marcin Dylla

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